Total distance 3.0km
Total duration 00:18:01
Average pace 6:00min/km
Total distance 3.0km
Total duration 00:18:01
Average pace 6:00min/km
Total distance 3.0km
Total duration 00:18:01
Average pace 6:00min/km
Total distance 3.0km
Total duration 00:18:01
Average pace 6:00min/km
Total distance 3.0km
Total duration 00:18:01
Average pace 6:00min/km
Total distance 3.0km
Total duration 00:18:01
Average pace 6:00min/km
Total distance 3.0km
Total duration 00:18:01
Total distance 0.0km
Total duration 00:00:00
Average pace 0min/km
Total distance
Total duration
Total elevation 2024
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